Mission: Unlock the potential of future generations.
The Do What U Luv Foundation is committed to leaving a lasting legacy. We're reshaping the way children and youth engage with learning outside traditional school settings by innovating "community education."
Every individual possesses unique talents and skills. These can be unearthed and fostered through genuine social interactions, exploration, and a holistic education approach that nurtures the heart and mind.
Our approach is twofold:
We advocate for the widespread adoption of in-school afterschool programs, ensuring children and youth have diverse learning opportunities.
We bridge the information divide for parents. Our dedicated marketplace platform offers a comprehensive list of afterschool programs, camps, nonprofit products, and expert services beyond the confines of traditional schools and community centers.
In our mission to make these resources easily accessible, we've streamlined the discovery process. By bringing these resources together like never before, we're not just making things easier for today; we're "paying it forward" to benefit future generations and those dedicated to their growth.
2020 - Present, Ed-Tech Platform
2014 - Present, Registered Canadian Charity
DWUL: Do What U Luv is an online marketplace platform connecting parents with children and youth to those who serve them beyond traditional schools and community centres.
Afterschool Guide is our dedicated nonprofit program providing services to schools and school districts through afterschool programs and support for vulnerable families.
They co-exist and work in partnership and synergy to create more innovation in "community education" but operate independently and serve different purposes.
Everyone has the power to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, and realize their potential, and we're committed to enabling them to find their "how" and "why."
Our goal is to create a message-driven movement that inspires individuals to explore their potential, discover new skills, and form meaningful connections with others by "doing what they love" and "educating the heart and mind."
Through innovative technology and strategic partnerships, we're working to create a more connected and accessible community education ecosystem that empowers individuals to reach their full potential. By enabling individuals to discover and develop their unique potential, we aim to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to live fulfilling, happy, and meaningful lives.
Why do we do this?
We want to help people find their purpose in life and be happy from a young age.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
"Education is not the learning of facts, it’s rather the training of the mind to think."
"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
"The measure of intelligence is the ability to change."
"The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking."
— Albert Einstein
Our Partners
Coquitlam - School District 43
BC Provincial Community Gaming Grant
Canada Summer Job Grant
2021 & 2023
Buchanan programme - Orbis Investment